Brigitte Sabatier - PharmD, PhD
pharmacist, hospital practitioner
I’m a pharmacist, hospital practitioner, working in Georges Pompidou european Hospital. I’m responsible of medication process unit.
We are working on data routinely collected from the Hospital Information System for research purposes to improve patient safety through the care pathway and more specifically the medication process. Our research evaluates knowledge-driven and data-driven approaches in terms of errors or even morbidity and mortality avoided for the patient. These approaches are implemented at different steps of the medication process: prescribing, pharmaceutical analysis of prescriptions and drug administration. The conceptualization, selection and evaluation of these clinical decision rule based alerts are based on the use of patient-specific data (clinic including age and sex, biological, drug history, adherence) and drug data to optimize therapeutic protocols and quality of care. Our current prospects are to look for tools whose approach is based on data mining to detect a link between drug and pathology and to evaluate them though routine care data (with the clinical data warehouse of the Georges Pompidou European hospital) and administrative data of the National Health Data System (SNDS).